Taxi driving simulator
A virtual city environment where driving is trained in realistic surroundings. In the environment the user can drive freely and different trainings are done. The environments consists of a set of different driving trainings for sudden breaking, crossings, bypassing, lights, signals, use of lanes and additional trainings are added to different vehicles. Other People ad cars are managed by AI.
The environments have other vehicles and devices and people. The AI manages the other vehicles and people. The environment tracks all the movement and calculates trajectories. The user trains in a realistic environment which reacts to the actions of the user.
The simulators have a automatic analytics and grading. The grading varies between different simulators. Grading tracs all the movements of the user, movements of other objects and following required rules. After each training grading is shown to the user and saved in Isoveli platform.
Taxi driving simulator
The environment is ADE´s intelligent city. In the environment several driving and taxi specific situations are trained.
The simulators have very realistic touch of control. Utilization of steering wheel and pedal combination as VR equipment assure three-dimensional experiences. Simulators are tested, improved and iterated by driving professionals and verified by Finnish vocational training institution.
- Use of safety belt
- Navigaattorr use
- Sudden breaking
- Bypas
- Crossings
- Traffic lights
- Eguality intersections
- Singnal lights
- Use of lanes
- Competence grading